Friday, November 27, 2009

Bill's Report on Nationals

This past weekend I competed at the NPC Nationals for the first time. The NPC Nationals is regarded at the best and most competitive amateur show in the country. In the past I had always competed in Drug tested shows and after competing and winning my class twice at the Team Universe (arguably the best drug tested show) I've decided to see if I can win this, while staying natural of course.

I obviously wanted to win the show but I had a goal of placing. In shows this big, the judges look at everyone and then call out the top people they want to look at. In my class there were 22 people and the judges called out 6 of us. I was thrilled to be in that top call out. From there however, they only place the top 5 so I still had a bit of worrying to do. I knew it was going to be close because all 6 of us seemed to be on. After looking at pictures I honestly didn't know if i would be first, sixth or somewhere in between..if was a very competitive class! When is was all said and done I placed 4th in the Lightweight class. This was great for my first time there and my plan now is to go back and win.

I need to thank everyone who helped me prepare especially my wife for sacrificing going out to dinner and also my training partner Lorrie for helping me stay on track (more on that later) and Chris Faildo for his guidance.

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