Monday, August 29, 2011

The first things you're going to need are the right supplements and groceries.

1.) You are going to need a solid meal replacement powder. I'll give you 2 choices here. Pro MR/MS or CORE MRP. You just need to tell me which one you're using.

2.) You are going to need proper post training nutrition. We will stick with VP2/DGC combo

3.) You are going to need a quality protein before retiring for the night. Either Pro Dessert or Pro Peptide will work here.

4.) A pre-training energy booster is strongly recommended. I'd go for CORE ZAP. It's a great, jitter free, no crash energy, intensity amplifier.

You will need the right food:

Eggs, green vegetables, oatmeal, flaxseeds, EVOO, Chicken or 99% turkey, lean ground beef or filet (for the rich folks), white potatoes (I do the frozen ones) and any spices you like.

Exact diet will be next.

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