Friday, September 2, 2011

Cardio, Rest days and Cheat meals

In order to finish out your instructions you need to know about your cardio, rest days and cheat meals. Let's start with the easy one first...cheat meals. Plain and simple, no cheat meals or high calories days at all for the first 3 weeks.

Cardio. I want all of you doing max-ot Cardio on your non-lifting days. I'd like it to be done here at the gym if possible. I'm thinking of putting together a max-ot cardio class where 5 of you can do it at the same time with a trainer up there giving you the business. For those that don't know, max-ot cardio is 16 minutes of very intense cardio.

Finally rest day nutrition. On your one rest day, I'd like you to keep your calories the same as your workout days of now. However, you won't have any of your post training starchy carbs or DGC so you will have to replace that with oatmeal, Pro MR/MS or CORE MRP.

One more thing. I want and expect you to follow me to the "T". Even if you don't understand why. However, if you do do something different or mess up, I need you to tell me. Otherwise, I'm going to assume you are doing it perfectly.

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