Saturday, September 17, 2011

First diet change

We are now two weeks into the Follow Bill Challenge and just about everyone was down in weight this week. I can't stress to you enough how important it is to follow these directions to the T. I applaud all of you for your honest feedback when I asked how your diet and cardio went. However, I realize that we have work to do.
If you did not follow 100%, you need to stay on the exact same diet/cardio no matter what your results were.
If you did follow the plan 100% here is what you do next.
1.) if you were down 3 or more pounds from your initial weigh in, don't change a thing. Keep it going exactly.
2.) If you gained weighed, stayed the same or lost less than three pounds since the initial weigh in, you are going to cut calories. Let's start with your rest day. Keep your protein and fat the same on that day, but lower your carbs down to no more than your muscle pounds. So if you have 150 pounds of muscle, you would cut your carbs down to 150 on your rest day. Also, on your cardio days, take the peanut butter out of your diet. Keep your weight training days the same. Feel free to email me with questions.
Keep going.

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