Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nationals- 5 weeks out

Well, after the North Americans, I immediately started my game plan for Nationals. I allowed myself some cheat foods on Saturday night and Sunday, but was mostly clean. I started back perfect on Monday with my regular training schedule and calories. I didn't start right where I left off with calories, instead I put some of the carbs back in for the week. I felt great all week and was thrilled with how I look and feel.

These pics are taken on Friday. Because my weight is so low and I'm close to contest ready with 5 weeks to go, I used this Friday as a high carb day. I also want to see how i look after a day of very high carbs. I went up to 400 grams today. My weight is 154.6


  1. Are you allowed to smile at the Nationals?? Keep up the great work Bill.
