Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's ok to put yourself first

I can't help but notice that we live in this world where people are so concerned that they have to do everything for everyone around them. I'm not saying it's bad to help. I'm saying that you need to take care of yourself as well.

Too many times people give up on their fitness plans because of stress that they have no business being stressed about.

When you're on an airplane and there's a problem, they always advise you to put the oxygen mask on yourself first. The reason for that is that if you're OK, you can better help others. It's time you put on the oxygen mask, take an active role in your health and help others by helping yourself first.

1 comment:

  1. I love this analogy. Perhaps the biggest "excuse" I hear from friends and family members is "I just don't have time" for a good fitness program. I have offered this explanation in the past, but not with such a good metaphor. I will try this one and see how it works....
