Friday, July 3, 2009

No Bad Reps...ever!

Good form. You hear it all the time but what exactly is it? I believe that good form means using your natural body mechanics to lift the weight through a full range of motion. That being said, I don't believe you should EVER do a bad rep...ever!

The best way to approach your set isn't to think of doing 5, 8 or 10 reps. You should approach each set with the mindset of doing one perfect rep at a time. When you start thinking of a certain number you have to reach, many times you will start rushing through your reps. When this happens you get sloppy.

I suggest you focus on executing one rep at time, this way you won't get sloppy and even if you can't get the next rep, you should still lift it with the same form. You just might not be able to complete it.

Remember, you last rep of your heavy set should look just as good as you first rep of your warm up set. Being tired or "it was my last rep" is no excuse for bad form.

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