Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Week 1, Day 3

Today's Training

Today was back day. I've been following the same basic back program since January and I think it's very effective. Last year Dorian Yates came to our gym and when I listened to him explain why he does what he does for back it made total sense to me and I've used that workout since. I've always been happy with my back width and lower back, but I've noticed improvements in my back thickness and lower lats since the changes I've made. I still stick with the basic exercises in the 4-8 rep range, but I do pullovers (pictured) at the beginning of each back workout. I do this to pre-exhaust my lats so that my fresh arms can aid my more fatigued back during my pullowns and rows. The other change has been using a reverse grip on my pulldowns instead of an overhand grip. There are probably pluses and minuses to each way, but when Dorian explained that the arms are already a weak link in back training and an overhand grip just makes a weak link weaker, I thought that made sense and changed. Finally, I moved deadlifts to the end of my routine instead of the begining and I take the weight down to my mid shins instead of going all the way to the ground. This keep the tension on the back and takes the glutes, hips and hamstrings out of the movement.

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