Friday, July 23, 2010

Week 3, Days 4 & 5

Day 4 - Today's Training

Today's cardio session kind of sucked. It wasn't that I wasn't ready or anything like that, but the bike was set on the wrong mode and I couldn't figure it out until about 5 minutes into it. It was on a mode that didn't allow for the tension to change with the difficulty of the level. In other words, it was just way to easy and I couldn't figure out why. About 5 minutes into it, I discovered that I need to hit the "bike mode" button and then all was fine.

Day 5 - Today's Training

Today was awesome Chest and Biceps day! I felt great and did better on every single exercise compared to last week. My clients are doing a "killer chest cycle" right now so I figured since I was making them do it, I should do it to. It kicked my butt! The cycle was flys right into flat DB press with the same weight, immediately into push-ups for 12 reps each. I used the 50's. I got the 12 flys but then I was toast. I was able to do about 4 bench presses and then barely got the 12 push-ups. It felt great though.

Decline BB Press - 225 (6-8) not sure how many exactly

Incline Smith Press - 160 (weight on bar) -8 reps

Killer chest cycle

One arm Cable Curls (pictured) - 130 x 8

BB Curls - 125 x 8

Hammer Curls - 6

Physique Assessment - 6 weeks out from North Americans, 12 weeks out from Nationals

I feel great about how the progress is coming along. I'm seeing a visible difference in my physique...more definition and I'm not losing any size or strength. I weight 161.6 pounds which is down another 1.5 from last week. At this point I'll keep everything the same.

One arm Cable Curls

I absolutely love this exercise. It's more of an isolation exercise which I don't do a lot of, but I really like the feel of this one. I set the back extension machine by the pulley system and position myself so that my arm is parallel with the ground. I focus completely on the flex and squeeze at the top. My arms feel like they are going to explode when I''m done.

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