Monday, August 2, 2010

Week 4, Day 6

Today's Training

Today was Leg day and it was an awesome one.

Leg Extensions (pictured)- 140 x 10

Leg Press - 770 x 7 + drop set

Smith machine Squats - 3 plates and 35 on each side x 10

Leg Curls - 120 x 6

Stiff -leg deads - 285 x 6

Single Leg Curls - 75 x 5

Donkey Calf - Stack + 155 x 10, rest 6, rest 4

Seated Calf Raises - 4 plates x 8

Leg Extensions

Leg Extensions are a great exercise because they are the only exercise for quads where you can get a "peak contraction". That means you get the most tension at the top. I like to do them first in my routine and I really think of them more as an extended warm-up. Don't worry so much about the weight on these and focus more on the flexing at the top.


This past weekend was what I would call the 2nd biggest show in the country, the USA'a in Las Vegas. Of course I was keeping a close watch on the LW class. There were some real good competitors there, but it was promising because I really believe I would have been right up in there with the top three.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those awesome legs. ;o) Keep up the great work Bill.
